Jeg gør hvad jeg kan for at holde mig på tæerne
I begyndelsen af november fik jeg den gode nyhed, at jeg nu er nået Master Level hos WPE (Wedding & Portrait Europe). Super skønt, altså... Men der er saftsusemig laaaangt op til Senior Master, så jeg må bare smøge ærmerne op og komme igang. Heldigvis synes jeg jo, at det er super sjovt ♥

Og nu kom resultatet fra 18. Spider Awards, at skønne Anine's billede klarede sig super flot, så tusind tak for det.

LOS ANGELES (November 21 - 2023 - Professional photographer Ulla JENSEN of Denmark was presented with the 18th Annual Black and White Spider Awards Winner Honorable Mention in the category of Children of the World at a prestigious Nomination & Winners Photoshow streamed Saturday, November 18, 2023.
The live online gala was attended by industry leaders and the photography community from around the globe who logged on to watch the climax of the world's premier event for black and white photography. 18th Annual Jury members included captains of the industry from Phillips, London; Flatland Gallery, Amsterdam; David & Goliath, Los Angeles; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Saatchi & Saatchi, London; Portuguese Center of Photography, Porto; Jason McCoy Gallery, New York; Hulsbosch, Sydney; Willas Contemporary, Stockholm; FCB Global, New York; ADK Creative One Inc., Tokyo; The ArtFactory Club, Vienna; Silvan Faessler Fine Art, Switzerland; Goldsmiths, University of London; Alfred Ehrhardt Foundation, Berlin; DDB Canada, Edmonton; Galleria Valeria Bella, Milan; David Clarke, London; Chiara Badinella, Art Advisory & Appraisals, Milan; Goodby Silverstein & Partners, San Francisco; Grey Group, New York; and Galerie Bugada Cargnel in Paris who honored Spider Fellows with 612 coveted title awards and 561 nominees in 33 categories.
"This year saw another outstanding set of entries sparking some really fresh ideas, and making it very hard to select winners." Commented Marcel Wijnen, Creative Director, Hulsbosch, Sydney
"Once again the Black & White Spider Awards has delivered a range of excellent winners in both the Professional and Amateur categories. There are a number of truly amazing images - not only the winners but also those with Honorable Mention. As a judge it was a challenge to select from so many strong submissions. Added Conrad Hechter, Correspondent, Goldsmiths, University of London
"It's an incredible achievement to be selected among the best from the 6,193 entries from 69 countries we received this year" said Basil O'Brien, the awards Creative Director. "Ulla JENSEN's "Girl in shining armor," an exceptional image entered in the Children of the World category, represents black and white photography at its finest, and we're pleased to present her with the title of Fellow."
BLACK AND WHITE SPIDER AWARDS is the leading international award honoring excellence in black and white photography. This celebrated event shines a spotlight on the best professional and amateur photographers worldwide and honors the finest images with the highest achievements in black and white photography.
Igen, dette er ikke for at sætte fjer i egen hat, men for mine egne arkiver (som jeg burde blive bedre til at få opdateret) og mine kunders sikkerhed for at jeg leverer billeder i meget høj standard.
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